
Spencer Michael Henze served a 2 year, full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints among the people of Oaxaca, Mexico (pronounced wa-ha-ka). This is the week-by-week account of his service. Elder Henze returned with honor March 21, 2012.

Monday, May 24, 2010

More Pictures

Hey all! Just added some "new" pictures to the mission album on here. They're not technically new - because they're from the drop off & farewell - but they're still cool/ worth looking at! (I think so at least) :) I've organized them so they're further back in the album - with the other pictures from the farewell & drop off - so you'll have to click back a few pages, but they're there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reminiscing while delayed...

Since Spencer's eternal progression is currently delayed until further notice, I thought it would be fun to look back on some of the fun he had in the beginning & reminisce a bit. This is a little video to take us back to Spencer's first week of the mish. Basically, it's the first audio recording he made in the MTC along with a bunch of pictures he took in the first few weeks! Compiled of course, by his awesome sister Jamie! Woot!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Hey all! So here's the scoop. Spencer was supposed to leave for Oaxaca this coming Monday (May 17), but he's been delayed.

"we're supposed to leave monday at 3 AM but only two guys in the district have their visas and i'm not one of them :( and there's a rumor that the consalate place workers are on vacation for two weeks so... not sure whats gonna happen" (From Spencer's email to Mom, 5/11/10)

"(being in the MTC longer) would kinda suck cuz Elder Ford and I have grown quite accustomed to not having roommates and chances are high we'll get some if we're here much longer. We haven't had roommates for like 4 weeks - Ever since Su-A-filo & Mock left. Its been amazing." (Spencer's letter to me received 5/13/10)

We don't know for sure how long it will take for him to get his visa, but so far I think its safe to guess he will be spending at least a couple more weeks in the MTC - he sounds like he's ready to get out into the field now, but I'm sure he'll get there when he's supposed to.

"Well, I can't lie... I'm about ready to leave this place. My ability to focus never quite came, but this week its been unmatched. I've been studying like a nursing student cuz I kinda realized "holy cow! I'm gonna be dropped in the middle of Mexico soon where I have to know Spanish or I'll die! Its a pretty good motivator... It'll be nice to actually be teaching people who care and need the lessons instead of some bored Mexican who has nothing better to do than volunteer to be taught by a bunch of gringo noobs. I'm sure its hilarious for them." (from Spencer's letter to Cory received 5/13/10)

So kind of a bummer, but I think mom is kind of relieved to know that he'll be safe and sound in the states a little longer - even though he's probably going a little stir crazy holed up in the MTC! He's a pretty good sport though.
I'll keep y'all posted on his status and as soon as he gets his visa 'n all I will be sure to write about it. Check back soon!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Elder Ford (Spencer's MTC Comp)

So I spent a few hours putting this little beast together - Spence sent me all his media, so I've been combining it in meaningful ways. The video is a clip of one of Spencer's audio recordings, to which I've added visuals :) The following quote is from a letter Spencer sent me a few weeks ago. It helps enhance the reason behind the whole thing. Enjoy!
"My companion Elder Ford is the funniest dude ever! Its hard to explain his humor. Its extremely different. For instance, Elder Manwearing has this girlfriend, and the first day we were here he was telling us about her & Elder Ford (mr. quiet) having never seen (Manwearing's) gf just says to him straight up in the middle of Manwearing's sentence, "I bet she's gonna be fat when you get back." and since then every time he (Manwearing) brings her up Elder Ford says in all seriousness something about how fat & ugly she's gonna be when he gets back. Its freaking hilarious. And sometimes he (Elder Ford) and Elder Tatiapu (this big samoan kid) get into these arguments and just throw out the most random disses at each other. Its hilarious cuz they're both calm about it but it goes on for like 10 minutes. You kinda have to experience it to understand why its funny, but I promise its super funny. He's just blunt to the max. Like he just says to Elder Cole one day that he's going to Outer Darkness. For no reason. It was great. The he just randomly goes up to the board and draws out the different kingdoms and assigns each Elder in the district to a kingdom & he and I were the only ones in the Celestial & Elder Cole was the only one in Outer Darkness. He has nothing against Elder Cole. Everyone loves Elder Cole, but Elder Ford is just random as heck and its the funniest thing ever." - Elder Spencer Henze