
Spencer Michael Henze served a 2 year, full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints among the people of Oaxaca, Mexico (pronounced wa-ha-ka). This is the week-by-week account of his service. Elder Henze returned with honor March 21, 2012.

Friday, July 2, 2010

He FINALLY has his visa!

So here's the deal. Spencer is in Taylorsville, UT right now. They assigned him to a pre-exisiting companionship, (So them + him = 3). He had no idea how long he'd be there when he arrived (about a week - a week & 1/2 ago), he just knew he had to wait indefinitely to be able to sign his visa.

SO, I found out yesterday that earlier this week he was able to go to Salt Lake and sign his visa! You heard right, it is officially received AND signed! He will be leaving for Oaxaca very soon, most likely next week, hopefully by Thursday the 8th. I'll provide concrete dates when/if I'm informed of them.

Sorry for the roller coaster we were on there for a while - trust me, its been an even crazier ride for him than its been for any of us! I just hope that its all set up this time & that he doesn't have to deviate from the plan yet again. :S
Stay tuned!!

Most recent pic of Elder Henze
(Taylorsville, UT. 7/1/10)

Elder Henze & Elder Perez
(One of his current comps. The other is actually creepin' the doorway in the background)